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Resource Crafting

In general, resources are crafted if they are enabled and less than Max resources are already in stock.

Additionally, if crafting a resource requires one or more materials that have a capacity, those materials need to be filled to Trigger of their stock capacity.


Wood has a capacity. If you want to craft Beams, and you set a trigger of 0.5, then beams would be crafted if wood is filled to half of its stock capacity.

When you want to craft Megaliths, they are built from Beams, Slabs, and Plates. All of which have no capacity. So the trigger value does not apply to this craft.

Unlimited Crafting

Just craft as many items as possible, respecting your Resource Control configuration.

Limited Crafting

For a limited item to be crafted, we first look at all the materials that are required for the item to be crafted, and at our current stock for the item. We then calculate how much of our materials would be required to build all the items we already have in stock. If we have more materials than that, then we allow the additional materials to be crafted into more of the craftable item.


Let's assume you want to craft Beams. A beam costs 175 Wood, and you have 1 beam in stock. KS would then craft the next beam when you have 350 wood available.

Force Ships to 243

When enabled, Trade Ships will be handled as unlimited, regardless of the actual configuration, until you have at least 243 ships in stock.


Having 243 or more ships will guarantee that you get titanium from a trade. The exact number is 1700/7 ships, which rounds up to 243.

Research Upgrades

Selected upgrades will automatically be researched as soon as possible.