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If you don't have a userscript manager yet, Tampermonkey is a good solution for the most popular browsers.

The file you need to put into your userscript manager is available from the Releases page of KS. You can also

KS is released in 3 variants:

  1. The latest stable release.

    This is a release with a familiar version number, that has been designated as a reasonably stable version to use. At this time, that is:

  2. The nightly release.

    This release is built each night, if any changes have been made to the source code since the last nightly build.

    These builds usually have a time stamp in their filename, like 20230103, which designates the night they were built on.

  3. The latest release.

    This is built after every single change to the codebase. It should be considered highly unstable and experimental, although it usually isn't.

For each of these releases on GitHub, you will usually find 2 important files:

  1. A file that ends in .min.user.js
  2. A file that ends in .user.js

Usually, you want to use the .user.js version, unless you are very concerned about bandwidth usage.


You can also load KS through a bookmarklet.

To use bookmarklets, just create a new bookmark in your browser and enter the text below as the URL. When you're on the KG game website, open this bookmark, and it should load KS for you.


This bookmarklet points to the latest stable release of KS.

javascript:(function(){var d=document,s=d.createElement('script');s.src='';d.body.appendChild(s);})();

This bookmarklet uses, the stable release. You can also replace that URL with the nightly or development build.



If you're not familiar with Podman/OCI containers, then you can safely ignore this section.

You can pull any version of the script as a container. The images are hosted on the GitHub registry.

The container exposes Kittens Game's own development server on port 8080. It has the version of the userscript injected into it, according to the tag on the image.

podman run --publish 8080:8080 --rm